Infrared Thermography Certification is a written proof of your professional infrared qualifications. When training with ITC for your Infrared Thermography Certification, you are attaining certification from the world's leading infrared training organisation. ITC infrared certification verifies the thermographer’s ability to operate an infrared camera, collect quality data, produce professional infrared inspection reports, and understand the techniques and limitations of infrared thermography for specific applications.
The Infrared Training Centre is certified ISO9001 in the "training, education and certification of professional users" of Infrared Systems.
The ITC, its staff and partners are active in the development of regional and international standards regarding the practice of thermography, and the certification of personnel within the field of thermography.
The ITC business model in Europe and Asia Pacific has been built upon ISO18436: Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - Requirements for training and certification of personnel. Applicable sections include ISO18436-1 : Requirements for certifying bodies and certification process; ISO 18436-3: Requirements for training bodies and the training process; and ISO18436-7: Thermography